Understanding Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy makes it possible to produce low-carbon, competitive, and continuous electricity. Its contribution to energy independence is invaluable. From uranium core to electricity generation, discover what nuclear energy is: its origin, how it is produced, the related issues, and more.

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Our articles about nuclear energy

The nuclear fuel cycle

Uranium is utilized as a fuel source to generate nuclear energy. However, before it can be loaded into a reactor, it must undergo a transformation process comprising several stages. These stages collectively comprise the nuclear fuel cycle.

Nuclear: no uranium shortages in prospect!

Nuclear energy in increasingly coming into favor in a world that is aware of the urgency of reducing our carbon footprint. But to meet the growing needs of nuclear power plants, do we have sufficient reserves of uranium?

How a nuclear energy plant works

Nuclear power is essential for producing low-carbon, controllable electricity with a high energy density. Learn how a nuclear facility works.

The benefits of nuclear energy

Nuclear power is a reliable solution for ensuring our energy sovereignty and combating climate change.

The importance of nuclear in the context of the energy crisis: the answers to your questions

How best to explain the tensions on the electricity market? The war in Ukraine is making us aware of just how important our energy sovereignty is.

Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion: what you should know

Let's take another in-depth look at the nuclear technologies capable of generating clean and low-carbon energy: nuclear fission generating our electricity today and the future of energy with nuclear fusion.

Isotopes: what to remember


Is nuclear power a renewable energy?

Renewable energies are rightly considered an asset in the fight against climate change, as they only emit low levels of greenhouse gases.

All about nuclear energy

Nuclear energy is a relatively recent invention that has continued to evolve since the last century. This powerful, low-carbon energy is continuously available to satisfy our various energy needs.

Nuclear energy as seen by the French

Orano has once again partnered with the institute BVA to question a panel of the French public on their knowledge and perceptions of nuclear energy. The results of this study complete the information from the first edition carried out in 2019

All about radioactivity

Radioactivity is part of the universe. It is present everywhere, both in the atmosphere and in the earth's crust, which contains radioactive elements.

Global warming: 7 good reasons for turning to nuclear energy

Nuclear energy presents many advantages in the current context of the fight against global warming: discover 7 good reasons to capitalize on this form of energy.

All about uranium

Uranium is a metal ore that occurs naturally in the earth’s crust. Find out where it comes from, the difference between uranium 235 and 238, its uses in fuel, etc.

All about plutonium

A hard, white metal resembling iron, plutonium is a chemical element inextricably associated with nuclear science and technology: find out how it is used.

Nuclear power: a safe form of energy

With over 50 years of nuclear industry experience in France, nuclear safety and protection are the sector's two absolute priorities.

Nuclear energy results from the fission of uranium atoms. The chain reaction that follows occurs in a nuclear power plant under controlled conditions, generating low-carbon electricity uninterruptedly and in such a way that it can be adapted to electricity needs. Nuclear energy delivers electricity reliably to hospitals, companies, residences, and for transportation, providing stable energy on a daily basis and becoming part of a virtuous climate cycle. Another significant advantage is that nuclear energy enables France to be 56% independent for its energy supply. This is the most convincing argument for French people who participated in the BVA survey conducted on Orano’s behalf (June 2021). 

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