Orano applies an avoid-reduceoffset approach, for example by avoiding protected areas for mining projects. Ecological diagnostics are systematically performed before launching any project in an area of interest for biodiversity. The goal: to identify any protected species in the area and design the most appropriate impact avoidance or reduction, restoration or offsetting measures.
In the mining sector, the Group is prohibited from exploring any site located in a high-risk area for biodiversity, in accordance with the reference framework used by UNESCO and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (categories 1 and 2).Several Orano sites are located near areas of ecological interest or manage the site’s own grounds or the surrounding natural area. As such, one of the challenges is to coexist with the surrounding biodiversity by being aware of its value. We implement plans for the differentiated management and elimination of invasive species. An environmental impact study is carried out for each new project, or whenever a major modification to industrial facilities is expected. This is supplemented by regular local audits that use standardized rating methods to monitor and assess the impact of operations on biodiversity.
Orano has set itself the goal of having recent audits (less than 10 years old) for all sites in operation by the end of 2025, in particular for mining sites.
Species like the peregrine falcon, which take refuge on some Group sites, are subject to specific monitoring.
Orano is also committed to promoting local biodiversity among stakeholders, reporting on this topic and raising awareness of the need to protect it among the various parties involved, including on-site employees. Partnerships with NGOs, public authorities and experts are also encouraged to benefit from advice and support measures to promote biodiversity. Orano plans to assess its overall biodiversity footprint in 2023 using the GBS tool developed by Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations Biodiversité. The Group’s overall results and those specific to Orano Mining will be analyzed and used to identify the main opportunities to be leveraged.
At the Orano Malvési site, a project for the environmental enhancement of the former regulation basin has been proposed in partnership with a firm specializing in biodiversity.
At the Orano la Hague site, offsetting measures are underway to promote the development of outstanding biodiversity, particularly in the Marais Roger area north of the site.