Immersive visits



Discover one of the largest ISR mines in the world
The mining company KATCO, a joint venture between Orano and the national mining company Kazatomprom  is exploiting the uranium deposits in southern Kazakhstan.


la Hague

How are spent nuclear fuels recycled at la Hague
Orano la Hague offers services for recycling radioactive materials for reuse in new nuclear fuel.



What is uranium and how is it purified at Malvési
The purpose of the Orano Malvési plant is to receive the uranium ore concentrates, to chemically purify them and to carry out the first stage of the conversion process.



What is Mox fuel?
The Orano Melox recycling plant produces Mox fuel assemblies made from a blend of uranium oxide and plutonium developed from spent fuel.



How is uranium transformed and enriched in Tricastin
Orano Tricastin is an expert in uranium conversion and enrichment and in fluorine chemistry. It is one of the largest industrial platforms in Europe.

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