Orano in Uzbekistan

Orano is present in Uzbekistan via the JV company Nurlikum Mining LLC (51% held by Orano and 49% by Navoiy Uran – the State-owned enterprise representing the Republic of Uzbekistan). The objective of Nurlikum Mining is to develop the project to mine the Djelgendi uranium deposit in accordance with the state-of-the-art of the industry and in conformity with international safety and environmental standards.
Nurlikum Mining, the Franco-Uzbek joint company, was established on December 3, 2019, to bring uranium deposits to production through exploration and project development.
The company holds two permits for the exploration of the North and South Djengeldi uranium sectors in the Navoi region, granted in October 2020.
Carte situant TACHKENT Ouzbékistan

The scope of Nurlikum Mining is to conduct uranium exploration and mining activities with a focus on the Djengeldi area - at the heart of the uranium-rich region of Uzbekistan.

Over the 2020-2023 period, Nurlikum Mining activities cover:

  • geological exploration, including drilling, laboratory analysis, and modelling, to confirm uranium resources in line with the international JORC code and to discover new resources. Approximately 200,000 meters of drilling are planned over a 3-year period.
  • pilot testing work to confirm the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of mining uranium resources from the Djengeldi area using the In Situ Recovery (ISR) method. 

Nurlikum Mining adopts the international best practices of the industry in terms of responsibility, including transparent & ethical governance, respecting people and environment. 

Strategic Cooperation Agreement

In November 2022, Orano, GosComGeology and Navoiyuran signed a strategic cooperation agreement that lays the foundations of an exclusive alliance for the development of new uranium mines in Uzbekistan, beyond the Djengeldi project currently led by Nurlikum Mining. This is a significant broadening of the scope of the collaboration, reflecting the trust established between Orano and its partners in Uzbekistan.

Nurlikum Mining - logo

Nurlikum Mining LLC


Manager, CSR and Communication
Mob. : +998 (94) 211 99 02 - Republic of Uzbekistan 100015, Tashkent, Mirabad district, A. Avloniy MFY, Oybek street, building 26.
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