Orano and KHNP sign a cooperation agreement on dismantling nuclear facilities

Orano and KHNP (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power) today signed in Gyeongju a cooperation agreement aiming to enhance the performance of the dismantling projects for nuclear facilities, particularly in South Korea and Europe.
The partnership will allow KHNP to benefit from Orano’s proven experience in preparing and carrying out nuclear dismantling. Orano will provide technical assistance and supply skills and training, and South-Korean engineers will be included in the Orano DS teams specialized in dismantling projects. 
Alain Vandercruyssen Signature © Orano
The collaboration will give Orano access to the expertise of KHNP engineers, and to its network of providers of nuclear engineering services, particularly in the fields of robotics, process industrialization and quality. 

The agreement also provides for collaboration between both parties in order to carry out joint technical studies. Such studies could cover, for instance, questions related to the automation of some complex processes, the design of intermediate storage units for legacy waste, and the treatment and packaging of the waste generated by the dismantling operations. 

The work will be directed by the Orano and KHNP teams specialized in dismantling, clean-up and waste management.

Alain Vandercruyssen, Senior Executive Vice President of Dismantling and Services activities, and a member of the Orano Group Executive Committee said “We are proud to have gained the trust of our partner KHNP, with whom we are keen to collaborate in working on ambitious and complex projects. This success strengthens our position as a world market leader in dismantling and associated services and illustrates how France can export its know-how in the nuclear field”.

Yoon-Ho Kim, Executive Vice President Technology and Innovation Division at KHNP, said: “KHNP and Korean domestic partners will have chance to participate in Orano's decommissioning projects in France, and Orano's accumulated experience will be very valuable asset to Korea's decommissioning project through this agreement. I have no doubt that it will serve as the foundation for strengthening cooperation in decommissioning businesses between Korea and France.”


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