Orano in the United States

Orano is represented in the United States by its subsidiary Orano USA, based in Bethesda, Maryland. In the U.S., which has the world’s largest nuclear reactor fleet, Orano is a key nuclear supplier of materials and services to the U.S. nuclear industry and the federal government, ranging from supplying nuclear fuel materials and in-house engineering to field service capabilities and applying decades of reactor decommissioning experience in dismantling, packaging, and transporting waste. Orano USA also provides the full suite of technologies and services for managing used nuclear fuel. Orano USA, through its subsidiary Orano Med in Texas, is developing cancer treatments using targeted radio-immunotherapy, with its first drug currently in FDA-authorized clinical trials.

1 - Orano Decommissioning Services, more than 20 years of experience

With decommissioning headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland, Orano has decades of U.S. experience in reactor vessel and internals segmentation, packaging and transport, and used nuclear fuel management. Through its joint venture Accelerated Decommissioning Partners with the global demolition company NorthStar, Orano applies its global expertise to achieve U.S. nuclear energy facility decommissioning decades earlier than original site schedules. Orano works on all phases of the decommissioning process: 

  • Project, planning, scheduling and development 
  • Decontamination of structures and equipment 
  • Dismantling of the facility and packaging waste 
  • Transport and storage of used fuel and low-level decommissioning waste 
  • Restoration of former nuclear energy facility site 

2 - Orano Federal Services, U.S. government services provider

Based in Charlotte, N.C., Orano Federal Services provides nuclear fuel cycle technologies and environmental management services to the U.S. federal government, specifically the Department of Energy (DOE) and its contractors, by integrating and applying the capabilities, technologies, and resources from multiple Orano companies. 

In particular, Orano Federal Services is a key provider for environmental clean-up and restoration at the Hanford Site in Washington State. 


employees involved in U.S. Department of Energy strategic programs

3 - Orano TN, more than 50 years of experience

Orano TN is a leader in the U.S. market for uranium transportation logistics and used nuclear fuel pool offload, dry fuel storage, and decommissioning waste transport. Along with offices in Columbia, Maryland, Orano TN has two manufacturing facilities in North Carolina for dry storage canisters and modules. 


U.S. nuclear energy facilities use Orano TN’s dry storage systems.

4 - Mining, Conversion, Enrichment (MCE) Sales

Based in Bethesda, Maryland, MCE sales is a competitive provider of long-term uranium contracts for U.S. utility customers. 

5 - Orano Med, an effective isotope to fight cancer

Orano Med, an Orano subsidiary based in Plano, Texas, is a biotechnology company specialized in the fight against cancer. Using, targeted alpha radioimmunotherapy, Orano Med is developing treatments to identify and destroy cancer cells without damaging the surrounding healthy cells. Faced with the rarity of the radioisotopes suitable for this treatment, Orano Med has developed a process to extract and purify lead-212 from thorium—an element that is produced in abundance by the uranium mining industry.  



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Orano USA
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