Used nuclear fuel interim storage pool, Orano la Hague reprocessing plant, France

Giving nuclear energy its full value

An energy source for the future

Nuclear energy adds value to China and society as a whole, economically and environmentally, today and in the long-term. Orano aims to maximize this value, a conviction that is shared by its 16,000 employees worldwide and expressed in the brand signature, “giving nuclear energy its full value”.

A sustainable energy source

China has become the world No.1 energy consumer since 2010 with spiraling energy requirements. The country therefore needs to find sustainable solutions to move towards a greener economy and less carbon-intensive energy mix. Nuclear energy and a strong partnership with Orano will help China:

  • secure energy supply
  • reduce foreign dependency
  • tackle environmental issues
  • cut down greenhouse gas emissions

A safe energy source

China has chosen nuclear energy as a safe and reliable source of energy driven by cutting-edge used fuel reprocessing and recycling that minimize the volume and the toxicity of waste. By opting, like France, for a closed nuclear fuel cycle policy, China is fully committed to developing nuclear energy more sustainably. For more than 40 years, Orano has also worked hard to optimize safety at each step of used fuel reprocessing and recycling and to develop unique expertise in high-level waste vitrification (2-step technology combining a calciner and hot melter to produce vitrified canisters).

An energy source contributing to economic development

Nuclear energy, and in particular reprocessing and recycling facilities, drive economic development and create jobs both directly and indirectly. For example, la Hague plant in France is the 1st employer of Cotentin Peninsula with 4,000 jobs at Orano and 1,000 supplier jobs. It generated ~500M euros in purchases (including 70% from local suppliers) and 78M euros in taxes in 2017.

Watch the video about the la Hague plant

  • Find out more about the la Hague recycling plant in France
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